Denise Shull
Founder & CEO, The ReThink Group
Record Date: 11/21/17
- Real Life Wendy Rhoades from Billions
- The Issue with Traditional Trading Psychology
- Feelings & Emotions Help Traders
- Trading Rules vs Trading Instincts
- How Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions & Intuition Fit Together
- Sports Psychology Good or Bad for Traders?
Rapid Fire:
- Who has influenced your life the most and why?
- Charles Bershatsky
- How has your training evolved over the years?
- From Biology, to Biology of the Brain, to the Biology of unconscious emotion
- 1 source you spend your time on?
- Resources to feel physically better
- Favorite Book About Psychology for traders:
- Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
- Favorite Movie About Trading:
- Billions
- Advice to Give to Others About Trading:
- Find an approach strategy that feels right to. That makes the feeling sense to you. That makes the market make sense to you.
- If you weren’t weren’t working with top financial people you’d be what?
- In Aspen Skiing writing another book