
EP: 166 Feelings & Emotions Help Traders

EP: 166 Feelings & Emotions Help Traders


Denise Shull

Founder & CEO, The ReThink Group

Record Date:  11/21/17



  1. Real Life Wendy Rhoades from Billions
  2. The Issue with Traditional Trading Psychology
  3. Feelings & Emotions Help Traders
  4. Trading Rules vs Trading Instincts
  5. How Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions & Intuition Fit Together
  6. Sports Psychology Good or Bad for Traders?

Rapid Fire:

  1. Who has influenced your life the most and why?
    • Charles Bershatsky
  2. How has your training evolved over the years?
    • From Biology, to Biology of the Brain, to the Biology of unconscious emotion
  3. 1 source you spend your time on?
    • Resources to feel physically better
  4. Favorite Book About Psychology for traders:
    • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
  5. Favorite Movie About Trading:
    • Billions
  6. Advice to Give to Others About Trading:
    • Find an approach strategy that feels right to. That makes the feeling sense to you.  That makes the market make sense to you.
  7. If you weren’t weren’t working with top financial people you’d be what?
    • In Aspen Skiing writing another book



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