
Best Moments September

Best Moments September


  1. No Two Traders are the Same
  2. Essential Skills in Becoming a Successful Trader
  3. Trading Precious Metals
  4. Creating Indicators & Automating Strategies
  5. Swing Trading
  6. Adapting To Markets


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Guests: (6)

Jim Dalton

Author of Markets in Profile & Mind Over Markets – General Partner at Jim Dalton Trading

No Two Traders are the Same<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Mike Agne

Chief Investment Officer – Magnelibra Capital Advisors LLC

Essential Skills in Becoming a Successful Trader<—Listen To Full Episode Here


George Gero

Managing Director – Financial Advisor, Senior Consulting Group at RBC Wealth Management

Trading Precious Metals<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Drew Day

Co-Founder/President, MicroQuant, LLC

Creating Indicators & Automating Strategies<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Brian Shannon

Founder of Alphatrends

Swing Trading<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Larry Benedict

Owner of The Opportunistic Trader

Adapting To Markets<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Futures Radio is a weekly talk show hosted by 18-year futures veteran and CME member Anthony Crudele, an ex-pit trader and one of the first to trade the E-Mini S&P. Each week Anthony talks with traders, CEOs, and other proven market participants about relevant trading and investing information.


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