
Best Moments In November

Best Moments In November


  1. A regulated digital asset exchange.
  2. Personalizing your technical analysis.
  3. The market leads the economy.
  4. Paving the way.
  5. What’s next in the Futures Industry?
  6. Reasons Natural Gas is volatile right now.


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Guests: (6)

Thomas Chippas


A Regulated Digital Asset Exchange <—Listen To Full Episode Here


Mark Newton

President & Founder of Newton Advisors

Personalizing Your Technical Analysis  <—Listen To Full Episode Here


Lance Roberts

Economist & Strategist at Real Investment Advice

The Market Leads the Economy <—Listen To Full Episode Here


Terry Savage

Nationally Syndicated Financial Columnist

Paving The Way <—Listen To Full Episode Here


Terry Duffy

Chairman & CEO of CME Group

What’s Next in the Futures Industry <—Listen To Full Episode Here


Brynne Kelly

Founder of the Fundamental Angle & Expert contributor at the Opportunistic Trader

Reasons Natural Gas is Volatile Right Now <—Listen To Full Episode Here


If you enjoyed this Best Moments Episode be sure to check out previous month’s Best Moments

Best Moments October

Best Moments September

 Best Moments August

 Best Moments July

Futures Radio is a weekly talk show hosted by 18-year futures veteran and CME member Anthony Crudele, an ex-pit trader and one of the first to trade the E-Mini S&P. Each week Anthony talks with traders, CEOs, and other proven market participants about relevant trading and investing information.


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