
Best Moments August

Best Moments August


  1. The Future is Digital
  2. Market Technology
  3. Cryptoasset Trading
  4. Political Impacts on Markets
  5. Bond Market Fintech
  6. Learning From Market Wizards
  7. Context is King


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Guests: (7)

Derek Urben

CFO & Director of Business Development at Coinigy

The Future is Digital<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Julie Armstrong

Executive Director, Head of Market Technology Services at CME Group

Market Technology<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Colleen Sullivan

CEO, CMT Digital

Cryptoasset Trading<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Kirsten Wegner

CEO Modern Markets Initiative

Political Impacts on Markets<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Matthew Kee

UpperRoom Technology

Bond Market Fintech<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Jack Schwager

Author of Market Wizards, Chief Research Officer and Founding Partner of FundSeeder

Learning From Market Wizards<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Merritt Black

Head of Futures & Commodities at SMB Capital

Context is King<—Listen To Full Episode Here


Futures Radio is a weekly talk show hosted by 18-year futures veteran and CME member Anthony Crudele, an ex-pit trader and one of the first to trade the E-Mini S&P. Each week Anthony talks with traders, CEOs, and other proven market participants about relevant trading and investing information.


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