
The Struggling Trader – Josh Albrecht

The Struggling Trader – Josh Albrecht


Josh Albrecht

Pilot & Futures Trader

Record Date:  10/29/18


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  1. Learning How to Trade Futures
  2. Picking a Strategy & Choosing a Market
  3. Struggles & Tackling those Struggles
  4. Defining his Edge & Trade Execution
  5. Managing a Job, Family & Trading
  6. Networking with Traders on Twitter

Rapid Fire:

Q. What Trader has influenced your life the most and why?
A. Tom Dante. 

Q. What was one of the hardest things for you to overcome in Trading?
A.  Personal Mistakes. 

Q. How has your trading process evolved over the years?
A. More systematic and process oriented. 

Q. What is one attribute that you believe every trader should have?
A. Determination & Grit

Q. Favorite Book About Trading?
A. Discipline Equals Freedom – Jocko Willink 

Q. Favorite Movie or TV Show About Trading?
A. Trading Places & The Big Short.

Q. What’s the best advice you’ve received about Trading?
A. Once you have a process setup listen to the little voice. 

Q. If you can give a piece of advice to the younger you, what would it be?
A. Tell your broker to set up rules for you and network earlier.

Q. Favorite thing to do when not trading?
A. Hanging out with family and boating

Josh Albrecht’s Resources:


If you enjoyed this interview with Josh & the topics discussed — be sure to listen to these other episodes with
Ben BLB & Merritt Black

Training Yourself to become a Full Time Futures Trader — Ben BLB

Context Is King – Merritt Black

Futures Radio is a weekly talk show hosted by 18-year futures veteran and CME member Anthony Crudele, an ex-pit trader and one of the first to trade the E-Mini S&P. Each week Anthony talks with traders, CEOs, and other proven market participants about relevant trading and investing information.


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