
EP: 159 Preparing For The End Game

EP: 159 Preparing For The End Game


Michael Lebowitz

Founder of 720 Global

Record Date:  10/10/17


  1. Is the Economy Growing or is it Stagnating?
  2. The role of the Fed & how this all ends
  3. Fed Raising Rates, then doing more QE
  4. Some Equity Valuations like 1929 & 1999
  5. Passive Investing creating false valuations

Rapid Fire

  1. How has your trading evolved?
    • I’ve become more macro, less short-term.
  2. The moment trading just clicked for you?
    • When I was 13. I got a few shares of beefsteak charley’s.
  3. 1 source you spend your time on?
    • Try to read research from people with opposite opinions.
  4. Favorite Book About Trading:
    • 4th Turning, and Liars Poker.
  5. Favorite Movie About Trading:
    •  Moneyball.
  6. Best Advice Ever Received About Trading:
    • Pigs get slaughtered.
  7. Advice to Give to Others About Trading:
    • Listen to your gut. Avoid advice from people that are trying to sell you something.
  8. If you weren’t a trader you’d be what?
    • Teaching



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