
EP: 115 Acting Chairman of CFTC Expresses Optimism for Futures Industry

EP: 115 Acting Chairman of CFTC Expresses Optimism for Futures Industry


Christopher Giancarlo

Acting Chairman of CFTC

Record Date: 3/16/17 


Today I spoke to a man who was born in Jersey City, attended Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa with Government Department Honors. He practiced law for 16 years in New York, then joined a wall st software firm in the swaps technology business where he and the cofounder brought the company public.  He was asked by President Obama to sit on the commission at the CFTC and is currently the acting chairman of the CFTC and President Trumps nominee to be Chairman.  His name is Christopher Giancarlo.  

[bctt tweet=”#FuturesRadio I’m very excited that we’re going to revitalize these markets and manage and regulate them carefully… and bring back economic vitality across the nation” username=”giancarloCFTC”]

Today we talked about his journey to becoming the acting chairman of the CFTC, and the role of the CFTC and what it oversees.  We discussed the current state of the clearing ecosystem and why its been consolidating.  He also revealed a new initiative he will be pushing at the CFTC called the market intelligence branch.
He told us how he wants the agency to put forward rules that are not the least restrictive or not the most restrictive, but the best-balanced regulation with the goals of sustaining a healthy, stable and vibrant market.

Finally, we discussed the budget and I asked him what he thought about self-funding.  It was a great honor to speak to acting chairman Giancarlo.  He is a super guy who is giving this industry a very optimistic outlook.  Thank you all for listening, please enjoy this episode.  


  1. Explains the role of the CFTC and what it oversees as a commission.
  2. Current state of regulation and the clearing ecosystem.
  3. How the CFTC will follow the KISS (keep it simple stupid) initiative when re-evaluating current regulations.
  4. His goal is to create the best regulation with the right balance that fosters vibrant and most robust markets.



  • “I’m very excited that we’re going to revitalize these markets and manage and regulate them carefully… and bring back economic vitality across the nation…”29:40

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