
EP: 113 The Future of the Futures Industry

EP: 113 The Future of the Futures Industry


Walt Lukken

President and CEO of Futures Industry Association (FIA)

Record Date: 3/6/17 


Today I spoke to a man who grew up in the mid-west rural farm country, and went to law school. When he was back in Chicago taking the bar exam, he got a call from an Indiana Senator to help him with financial policy.  He took the opportunity and has since become the resident expert on derivatives trading, served as CFTC commissioner under the Bush administration, worked at the NYSE, and from there has moved on to becoming the President and CEO of the FIA.

Today Walt and I discussed the current state of the clearing industry and how there’s a need for a review of the rules and regulations in the financial industry.  I asked Walt what needs to be addressed in the current state of regulations.  We then discussed the role that regulators are tasked with to incentivize fair innovation and healthy market behavior to make markets more efficient and accessible for traders.

Walt is a man of mid-western values that truly cares about the future of the financial industry.  He does great work in the advancement of our industry and it was an absolute pleasure speaking with him today. As always…Thank you all for listening, please enjoy this episode.

[bctt tweet=”#FuturesRadio Innovation is the lifeblood of our industry. It’s in our DNA. We came up with a way to promote and embrace innovation in all forms” username=”WaltFIA”]


  1. Current state of clearing industry after the financial crisis and how there’s a need for a review of the rules and regulation that could simplify things.
  2. Smarter regulation. What it means.
  3. How they can promote and embrace innovation while also helping regulators.
  4. Reveals the exciting speakers at the FIA show next week in Boca.



  • “Innovation is the lifeblood of our industry. It’s in our DNA. We came up with a way to promote and embrace innovation in all forms…” 10:03
  • “At one point we had trading pits, now we have bigger and stronger markets with electronic trading. We have to be evolving with that change in a way that embraces innovation..” 11:10
  • “We’re looking for smart regulation. It doesn’t mean more regulation or less regulation. It’s about the right regulation…”6:10
  • “We’re making sure the regulation is tailored to the risks that we’re trying to account for…” 6:25

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